Here are the top 20 signs you need a clarity checkup ASAP.

But first, let me explain one key difference…

20/20 VISION is seeing clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance

20/20 CLARITY is seeing clearly all the different parts of you (behaviors, mindsets, actions, insecurities, doubts, etc) that get in the way of your professional growth⁠

If you see yourself in any one of these, click the link after #1 and let’s do some “exploring”

20:⁠ You dread going to work every day⁠

19:⁠ While at work, you plot a million different ways to leave and go home

18:⁠ You get defensive when someone gives you feedback⁠

17:⁠ You haven’t had an interview in 3 years⁠

16:⁠ You never use the word dysthymia but it describes you perfectly! (high-functioning depressed person; persistent mild depression)⁠

15:⁠ Sunday nights are the worst⁠

14:⁠ ⁠Despite your success, you still feel like you’re being overlooked at work

13:⁠ Your week has 8 days... Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Someday

12:⁠ You’re apathetic towards new opportunities and problems alike (aka IDGAFitis)⁠

11:⁠ You struggle to make decisions outside of work (what to eat, what to watch, what to do, etc)⁠

10:⁠ You feel like no one at work “gets” you.

9:⁠ You typically leave the office somewhere between 9-11 pm⁠

8:⁠ You work from home on your days off⁠

7:⁠ Your thoughts jump around like a squirrel in a field of falling nuts

6:⁠ Your answer to “So what’s next in your career?” seems to come from the upper left quadrant of the sky (try it)

5:⁠ You have some things you’re working on, but no real vision or direction at work⁠

4:⁠ Every 👏🏾 Thing 👏🏾 And 👏🏾 Every 👏🏾 One 👏🏾 bothers you... constantly irritated/triggered⁠

3:⁠ The last thing you do before falling asleep is also the first thing you do after waking up… check work email

2:⁠ Your favorite mind-numbing activity consists of scrolling through IG/FB, closing the app, then reopening 20 seconds later for more scrolling

1:⁠ You read this entire list! Tells me you’re searching for something… let’s connect! 👇🏾



And yes… click the link. Sharing your email address is worth the “risk”…

~ Derrick

Derrick Bass