3 Tips For Facing "Goal Fear"

3 Tips For Facing The Fear In Front Of Your Goal

If you have yet to set a meaningful goal in your life, stop reading this... it's not for you. If you have, then you've undoubtedly experienced the fear that comes with that goal. The kind of fear that grips you with the force of an alligator jaw preventing you from taking even one step toward the goal. Or if you are able to get going, the fear feels like 13 bowling balls chained to your ankles.

Let me be clear. In order for you to succeed at whatever it is you are doing, you MUST find a way to move through/with/on/in/etc… the fear. 

I'm going to share 3 tips for facing the fear in front of your goal. Keep in mind these are not in-the-moment fixes... they're more like long term adjustments that will lessen the crippling effects of this infamous emotion.

1. Stop Consuming Fear

There are so many messages and stimuli around us, some blatant some subtle, that are filled with fear or one of its cousins (worry, concern, apprehension, anxiety, terror).

  • The movies and shows you watch... 

  • The news you hear and read… (I’ve called it "the blues" for the longest because every headline seems to be about something bad happening)

  • The conversations you have with friends and family about the stuff you saw and read and watched…

  • Even the foods you eat... (I’m sure you’ve seen a documentary or two talking about the adrenaline and fear of the animal, as it’s being killed, literally creating poisons that stay with the flesh--maybe there’s another layer behind this whole plant-based lifestyle)

Seriously, every whole in your face is bombarded with fear all day long. And when it’s time for you to live your life, to make decisions, to chase dreams, to be GREAT, all that fear you consumed gets projected right onto whatever is in front of you. Stop consuming fear, and then that won’t be what consumes you in your moments of opportunity! Surround yourself with energy that helps you vibrate at a higher level and use that energy to move toward your goals.

Stop consuming fear, and then that won’t be what consumes you in your moments of opportunity! 

2. Unplug the Microwave

My generation has been called a lot of things. One of the more creative labels is the "microwave generation." We’re so used to getting what we want as fast as we want it… (i.e. like cooking food in the microwave), we subconsciously forget that TIHS* TAKES TIME!

Quality work takes time.

I’ll pay you $33 if you can name 3 things around you.. 3 things of worth and substance… that just happened upon us overnight. Things take time. Appreciate the fact that:

  • It may not happen as fast as you want…

  • It may not look like everyone else’s journey toward a similar goal…

  • It may not even look the way you want...

Your job isn't to worry about those things. Your job is to take stock of those FACTS and then simply get to work. You will screw up! That is to be expected. Remember that imperfect action is better than perfect inaction. Be like the child who's learning how to walk. Take the first step. Fall/Fail. Get your ssa* off the floor and take another step.

"Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction." 

3. Know That It Gets Easier

Continuing with our baby analogy...

Of course it looks impossible, or unachievable, when you’re trying to go from a baby crawling on the floor to a sprinter running in the olympics. 

Fortunately, there are millions of steps in between those two points. It's much easier to go from a baby crawling to a baby walking, from there to a toddler running, to a high school athlete, to a professional competitor, then to the olympics. Focus on the most immediate point in front of you and work hard until you get there.

You will forever have to put in the work… that never goes away. The greatest athletes still show up to practice. Even the master teachers must still be curious students. You don't stop when you get to 10,000 hours. That's just when you reach a new level of practice.

The point is, with each successive step you take you generate tremendous confidence and momentum that will carry you forward.

You don't stop when you get to 10,000 hours. That's just when you reach a new level of practice. 

Bonus-- 4. Stop Being A Slave

The concept of enslavement is one that transcends physical bondage. Many of us pursue our goals as slaves to our own thoughts. We don't see possibilities, we see problems. And this lens habitually limits our potential, which limits our results. You ever say things like this to yourself:

  • What if it doesn't work out...?

  • These are the 72 reasons why I shouldn't do it...

  • Am I even good enough for this role...?

Instead of these limiting ideas, cultivate an empowering mindset by surrounding yourself with words, images, and people that reflect who you really are and what you really want. Build a habit of inspiration and become the master of your thoughts.

We don't see possibilities, we see problems. And this lens habitually limits our potential, which limits our results. 

Use any one of these tips and I personally, entirely, faithfully, 500% guarantee you will be able to face the fear in front of your goal.

Stay provoked...


Derrick Bassgoals, fear, facing fear