The Moment of Anticipation...
The Moment of Anticipation...
Palms are sweaty.
Knees weak.
Arms are heavy.
There’s glitter on my sweater already.
Grrr… daughter’s confetti.
I was nervous… as hell that day!
My heart was pounding with equal parts terror and exhilaration.
Filled to the absolute brim with excitement.
What was I doing?
Just waiting for my stylist to arrive :-).
This was a big day for me though…
I’d secretly been wanting something like this for a very long time…
Just didn’t know how / wasn’t comfortable making it happen.
So much so, that I actually convinced myself I didn’t like it!
Just wanted to share the feeling.
Pay attention to your butterflies the next time you have them.
Don’t make the mistake of telling yourself you're nervous…
Or you’re anxious…
Or afraid.
Why not?
Because I feel in doing so you rob yourself of moments where you are most alive!
Moments where you can feel yourself fully and be present and aware of all that you are.
Enjoy that moment whenever it happens next.
Then come back and tell me about it.
~ Derrick [Bars] Bass
P.S. Tell Eminem I’m coming for him!